Would you like to stop right now ?
To slow down a bit & take a break ?
Have a little rest from your everyday demands & responsibilities at work or at home ?
Can you imagine 9 days away in magical India for busy Women just like YOU who are
desperately craving a little "Time Out" for themselves to rest & just breathe without worrying
about all the mess, the clothes and the dishes!
Or maybe all that paper work, reports and files that need to be completed.
Everyday you rush around trying to get stuff done .... beginning at home with kids,
breakfasts, lunches ,taking them to school ... then going to work at home or in an office ... back
home and its food time, homework .... and the list of stuff we have to do in our everyday life just
goes on & on.
Oh I forgot to mention house work & the never ending laundry pile!
We are very lucky to have all that we do have in our beautiful lives .... our kids, partners, home,
work & pets etc.
We have gratitude for all these amazing gifts .
However, we need time out .
Time to be still, listen deeply & simply recharge our energy .
But all the responsibilities we have on a daily basis require a lot of our energy, effort and time.
Often times we tackle our responsibilities from a place of feeling energetically depleated &
consequently we do not really give the best of ourselves to our family or to our colleagues .
Sometimes we have the energy and can manage everything happily & with ease.
Other times we are exhausted and don't really have enough energy to do the tasks in hand well
or with love.
We all want to do our best .... at home and at work and we tend to either tire ourselves out by
pushing too hard or simply bash ourselves up and have a lot of negative self talk because the
job was not tackled let alone completed!
We find that we go on "auto pilot" mode just kinda doing stuff to get by .... we loose that feeling
of being truly "present" with the task at hand.
And when we stop and "tune in" to observe how we actually feel, we notice that things are not
so smooth or as calm as we would like.
This Yoga Retreat to India is the opportunity for you to take time out to slow down & focus on
yourself through exploration, practice & rest.
This is the perfect opportunity for you to switch off from your normal everyday responsibilities
for 9 days so that you can devote precious, much needed time and attention to your own
personal needs.
You will get to learn & develop simple tools & practices that will help you tune in, connect to
your breath, your centre and from that centre you will begin to feel lighter, brighter & more
As you give yourself time to slow down & move with greater awareness, you will begin to feel
more balanced, less reactive and more responsive to the demands & responsibilities around you.
You might even discover that you are smiling more!
On our Yoga Retreat to India you will get to "fill your beautiful cup".
Together we will explore new places, cultures, food & much more.
You will get to replenish your own need for deep rest, mindful movement & exploration.
You will get to connect with like minded women who can relate to the way you are feeling, who
also crave this time out for themselves, just like you .
Let's journey together on this amazing 9 day women's yoga retreat in India, where you will get to
soothe, relax & energise your body, mind, spirit & heart!
Student testimonial
Since attending Gurjinder's classes my life has changed in a very positive direction.
I feel a lot stronger, physically and my body awareness has changed dramatically.
I find I am able to focus & concentrate with greater ease.
Her classes are always extremely professionaI and her knowledge about Yoga is vast.
I always feel safe and well taken care of by Gurjinder.
I would recommend Gurjinder Yoga to individuals who are seeking more mindfulness in their
life,and to individuals who would like to enhance their spiritual and physical wellbeing.
Pia Båth Rokstad (Norway
This is the sacred space you've been craving, where you get to rest, practice and explore
without feeling guilty that you are focusing on your needs instead of on the needs of others.
It is the Yoga Retreat you have been dreaming of but didn't think it was possible for you until
This is where you will practice yoga & meditation with me daily.
It is where you will soothe, relax & energize your body, mind, spirit & beautiful heart.
Student testimonial
I have been practicing with Gurjinder for many years now.
The practice helps me to keep my body in balance, and gives me relief from headache and
back pain.
Gurjinder teaches in a calm, easy and precise way, and she instinctively seems to
know exactly what her students need.
After yoga practice I feel that I have strengthened, stretched & lengthened the whole body.
I feel calmer and more relaxed.
I will highly recommend Gurjinder yoga.
Ellen Sandvold Strømme (Norway)
How often do we as busy women actually "take time out" from our everyday life . . for ourselves ?
When you give yourself this time of 9 days to explore, practice & rest youwill have time to focus
on YOU.
You will begin to find greater ease as you give yourself the precious space simply to "be you".
Nurturing & nourishing your own needs first with much needed rest.
And then observing how that positive energy ripples out from within you to all those around you
Student testimonial
After attending Gurjinder's Yoga & Meditation Classes now for 5 years, I feel so much stronger &
I definitely feel calmer and more relaxed with the simple meditation and breathing practices
that I have learned with Gurjinder.
I used to have issues with back pain & headaches but through my practice I am so glad to say
that I no longer suffer with pain.
I highly recommend spending time with Gurjinder on this Yoga Retreat to India and for you to
soak up some of her energy, warmth & kindness.
Trine Skogland Bjerga (Norway)
Picture Yourself Here : Imagine
Student testimonial
The very first time I came into Gurjinder's Yoga studio there was a sense of calmness and purity.
Her serene yet very meticulous approach helped me feel relaxed and comfortable .
Each class would end with an aromatherapy head, face or foot massage & I would leave class
feeling glorious.
I realised very soon - that Gurjinder is passionate about sharing her knowledge of yoga with us
all & you can feel it in her energy & the way she connects with students to help them heal.
Coming to Gurjinder’s classes became my favorite part of a week.
For every new pose I was learning, Gurjinder would take extra care, helping me advance my
practice by guiding me step by step.
If you are fortunate enough to live close to her or have an opportunity to attend the Yoga
Retreat in India – do not miss it!
Gurjinder’s classes will help you feel calm, relaxed & well.
Olga Gekic (Miami)
Can you imagine taking this precious time out for yourself to
recharge your energy ?
Just imagine how you would feel.
Imagine spending nine days in magical Amritsar & Basunti, Northern India with a group of like
minded women who also want a little time away from their busy lives & responsibilities for
themselves to explore, practice & rest.
Just think what it would feel like to have some free time with :
No "work" to do other than on yourself!
No washing up or laundry to fold & put away ... other than your own stuff.
No food to shop or meals to prepare.
Get to explore new places, cultures ,food & more.
Get to practice yoga, meditation & reiki healing.
Get to rest & recharge your beautiful energy.
Move your beautiful body mindfully through yoga, swimming and going for walks.
Time to explore how comforting & healing it feels to have support and be inspired by other
women .... to connect & learn from each other.
Time to chat if you wish to and be quiet if that is what you need to feel well.
No pressure to perform.
No expectations.
No judgements.
Come with me to India April 18th to 26th, 2020.
This is your invitation.
You will get to eat delicious nourishing vegetarian meals that have been
prepared for you.
Just wait for the sound of the bell at our Retreat Centre at Basunti.
It will let you know that your meal is waiting to be served to you!
Who doesn't like a little luxury once in a while, where you are taken care of
and your dietary needs are catered to.
Such a treat.
Student Testimonial
During the six years I have practiced yoga with Gurjinder, my practice & my understanding of
the basic yogic principles has developed in many different ways.
I feel stronger and more flexible & this helps me to feel well.
I am able to explore more asanas with greater ease and I am more aware of how I use my
breath during practice to support me.
Gurjinders yoga classes are always varied and challenging & I feel both energised and calm after
practicing with her.
I would highly recommend attending a yoga retreat in India with Gurjinder.
Vibeke Bjervig (Norway)
During the six years I have practiced yoga with Gurjinder, my practice & my understanding of
the basic yogic principles has developed in many different ways.
I feel stronger and more flexible & this helps me to feel well.
I am able to explore more asanas with greater ease and I am more aware of how I use my
breath during practice to support me.
Gurjinders yoga classes are always varied and challenging & I feel both energised and calm after
practicing with her.
I would highly recommend attending a yoga retreat in India with Gurjinder.
Vibeke Bjervig (Norway)
Friendship : Connection : Community: Sangha
As busy women whether at home or at work we can sometimes no matter what ..... still feel
Even if we are surrounded by others, family & colleagues we do not always connect or feel
accepted, heard or appreciated.
When we give ourselves time out to tune in to our spirit and nurture ourselves first we are more
able to feel nourished & "full" & are able to connect with others at a different level, in a different
On this Yoga Retreat to India you will get the chance to connect with a beautiful supportive
group of women who are ready to share, support & listen.
You will feel a part of this Sangha .... community of like minded women who wish to explore,
practice, & rest.
"Connection is the cure".
Feel the support of nourishing connections as we explore, practice & rest.

Student testimonial
After attending Gurjinder’s yoga classes for several years now I have become stronger, more
flexible and overall gotten a healthier body.
I feel in touch with myself and I love this time just for myself.
When I come home I am relaxed and energised.
I am so lucky to have the opportunity to have Gurjinder as my yoga teacher.
When I come to class she will always give me what I need: slow, fast, challenging or a mix of
No class is exactly the same, so I always learn something new.
She always gives us something extra; a touch of oils, a light massage or different props that will
give us a better or different experience.
I love it.
I recommend everyone that has the opportunity to join her retreat should definitely go and
experience the love and care she puts into sharing her practice with us.
I believe it will be one of the best investments for yourself that you can make.
Synnøve Andersen ( Norway )
Are you ready to explore, practice & rest without feeling guilty?
Do you want to meet a beautiful group of busy women who know the importance of taking time
out for themselves and who have made THIS Yoga Retreat to India the right time for them!
This Yoga Retreat to India is definitely for YOU & you are so welcome to join us in April 2020.
This Yoga Retreat to India is for YOU
Yoga Retreat to India With Gurjinder : Explore, Practice & Rest
This Yoga Retreat is for YOU if :
- You are a busy stay at home mother
- You are a busy women who goes out to work
- You have young or older children who exhaust you (at times)
- You are a busy student
- You are retired and wish to have support/connection of other women
- You want to explore new places, cultures, foods
- You want to develop your yoga/meditation practice
- You have read this far!
- You just want to have some fun.
- You simply want to get away from it all for a while & "escape"and do
- something different for a change.
- Travel together with other women.
What will our 9 days look like on this Yoga Retreat ?
We will begin our journey with 2 nights in the Sacred City of Amritsar.
In Amritsar we will :
- Stay in a Colonial Haveli (Our Hotel for 2 nights)
- We will visit The Golden Temple (guided tour)
- We will explore the walled city & the bustling, colourful markets
- We will practice Yoga & Meditation on the Roof Top Garden
- We have the opportunity to observe the lowering of the flags ceremony at the Attari -
Wagah Closing Ceremony.
- We can eat in the lovely courtyard cafe surrounded by lush plants or we can dine
indoors in the dining room.
- You can treat yourself at the Wellness Spa where you can book yourself some healing
Ayurvedic Massage or bodywork.
The Haveli is definitely a little oasis of calm within the bustling city that is Amritsar.
After our 2 nights in Amritsar we will journey by road to Basunti for the remainder of our Yoga
At Basunti we will :
- Practice Yoga & Meditation am & pm in the outdoor Yoga Shala which has
a gorgeous view overlooking the Himalayan Foothills
- We will practice Hatha Fusion/Vinyasa Style of yoga & Gentle /Restorative Yoga
- We are keeping the practice "simple",slow and focused.
- You will get to try new things.
- We will work on refining and developing our practice mindfully, exploring new ways of
approaching familiar poses etc.
- We will eat delicious vegetarian food which has been lovingly prepared for us.
- Swim in the pool or the lake.
- Relax, chat & connect or simply rest in the many lounge chairs & hammocks in the
beautiful garden.
- We will be taking a guided hike/walk with David to the lake.
- We will explore simple Indian cooking.
- We will be taking a day trip to Dharamsala home of the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan
community in exile.
- We will also go on a longer guided hike through beautiful rice fields and little villages in
- We will explore, temples & monasteries.
- We will have time to shop in the vibrant bustling market too!
"Basunti is a jewel, the kind of magical place that you might spend months
looking for if you were traveling independently through India, and still never
find” – Sunday Telegraph
Basunti is a beautiful private lakeside retreat in the foothills of The Himalayas, in the state of
Himachal Pradesh in North India and it is surrounded by the waters of the Maharana Pratap
It is located in the heart of a wildlife reserve and has been developed sympathetically with the
local environment by David & Izzy.
Set in beautiful tropical gardens with orange, mango and papaya trees, Basunti’s spacious rooms
provide comfort combined with amazing views.
David, Izzy & their incredible team at Basunti, go above and beyond to make our stay
comfortable, engaging and memorable.
We really are looked after very well at Basunti .
You will feel nurtured & nourished by the environment, the company & not to mention the
delicious food!
Yoga Retreat With Gurjinder in India: Explore, Practice, Rest
[email protected]
You will get to explore a part of India where I was actually born in the Punjab.
We will explore together as we go on this amazing adventure of discovery.
This trip of a lifetime will provide you with plenty of time for exploration, practice & rest.
Culturally India can be quite eye opening and it is comforting to visit a country so intriguing with
other like minded travellers to safely share the experience together.
I also speak Punjabi and this will be very useful as we explore new places together on our
Retreat to India.
Yoga Retreat to India : Payment
18500 NOK – twin share super early bird . Valid until September 30th,
20500 NOK for twin share early bird – from October 1st, 2019 till
January 31st 2020
22500 NOK for twin share regular price - from February 1st 2020
Retreat inclusive of :
Retreat not inclusive of :
This is to allow for flexibility of arrival time as we all may vary with our arrival schedules.
I can help you with arranging a transfer directly to our hotel from airport or rail station
if needed*
Space is limited on this amazing Yoga Retreat to India with Gurjinder.
Does this Yoga Retreat sound like the perfect get away for you to explore, practice & rest with a
group of like minded women?
Is it something you would love to do for yourself because you feel you deserve a "little break" ?
Book early to reserve your spot.
BUT more importantly book early to get the best deal on this amazing Yoga Retreat to India
With Gurjinder April 18th to 26th 2020.
There are no refunds or transfers for this Retreat unless cancelled by
Gurjinder Yoga
Gurjinder Yoga wants to make this yoga retreat to INDIA accessible to as many busy women
as possible.
If you know that this is for you but you need help with a Payment Plan get in touch :
[email protected]
You will get to explore a part of India where I was actually born in the Punjab.
We will explore together as we go on this amazing adventure of discovery.
This trip of a lifetime will provide you with plenty of time for exploration, practice & rest.
Culturally India can be quite eye opening and it is comforting to visit a country so intriguing with
other like minded travellers to safely share the experience together.
I also speak Punjabi and this will be very useful as we explore new places together on our
Retreat to India.
Yoga Retreat to India : Payment
18500 NOK – twin share super early bird . Valid until September 30th,
20500 NOK for twin share early bird – from October 1st, 2019 till
January 31st 2020
22500 NOK for twin share regular price - from February 1st 2020
Retreat inclusive of :
- Eight nights / nine days accommodation
- Transfers from Amritsar to Basunti and return to Amritsar
- All meals during our stay at Basunti.
- Breakfast and dinner for two nights in Amritsar.
- Golden Temple guided tour
- Guided hiking at Basunti
- All Yoga and Meditation Classes
- Tipping for guides and accommodation
Retreat not inclusive of :
- Airfares
- Visas
- Insurance (essential)
- Transfers from airport to Hotel in Amritsar
This is to allow for flexibility of arrival time as we all may vary with our arrival schedules.
I can help you with arranging a transfer directly to our hotel from airport or rail station
if needed*
Space is limited on this amazing Yoga Retreat to India with Gurjinder.
Does this Yoga Retreat sound like the perfect get away for you to explore, practice & rest with a
group of like minded women?
Is it something you would love to do for yourself because you feel you deserve a "little break" ?
Book early to reserve your spot.
BUT more importantly book early to get the best deal on this amazing Yoga Retreat to India
With Gurjinder April 18th to 26th 2020.
There are no refunds or transfers for this Retreat unless cancelled by
Gurjinder Yoga
Gurjinder Yoga wants to make this yoga retreat to INDIA accessible to as many busy women
as possible.
If you know that this is for you but you need help with a Payment Plan get in touch :
[email protected]